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Atlantic Books' Events

Friday 24 June 2011


We're very excited at Atlantic Towers about the very first blog tour EVER by one our authors!
Seven lovely bloggers will be hosting KAS QUINN, author of the fantastic time-travel adventure romp THE QUEEN MUST DIE. There'll be short pieces by the author on each blog followed by an extract.
The first blog she'll be heading to is Wondrous Reads on Monday 27 June - http://www.wondrousreads.com/.
On 28 June she'll be visiting Books 4 Teens at http://www.books4teens.co.uk,/ followed by the Reader Room on 29 June http://thereaderroom.blogspot.com/ and Above Average Below Special http://aboveaveragebelowspecial-lettie.blogspot.com/ on 30 June.
The last three stops are I Want To Read That http://www.iwanttoreadthat.com/ on 1 July, Five Minutes Peace http://www.5minutespeace.wordpress.com/ on 2 July and and finishing My Favourite Books http://www.myfavouritebooks.blogspot.com/ on 3 July.
Do visit each blog and there's also a giveaway of 2 copies of the book on Above Average Below Special.

1 comment:

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