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Tuesday 28 June 2011

The week in publicity

Summer has really started with a bang, the office yesterday was sweltering, electric fans buzzing busily but barely moving the static air.
More excitingly, THE QUEEN MUST DIE blog tour started yesterday and KAS Quinn is visiting a different blog every day until Sunday 3 July.
Tomorrow evening, A.N. Wilson is visiting Toppings in Bath for an author drink. Tickets from the shop, although it might be sold out, so move fast on that one!
Review-wise, we've had a fantastic June with our four big titles LAST MAN IN TOWER, DANTE IN LOVE, FOREIGN BODIES and AS GOOD AS GOD, AS CLEVER AS THE DEVIL garnering reviews across the board in national and regional press and radio.
DANTE IN LOVE, AS GOOD AS GOD, AS CLEVER AS THE DEVIL, IN A STRANGE ROOM and PURGE were also picked by the Sunday Times for their Summer Reads issue.

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